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Length : 2500 words

Learning outcomes addressed
This assessments addresses the following learning outcomes:

a) Analyse the role of brand and product strategy in the organisation.
b) Identify problems and questions in relation to contemporary brand and product management.
c) Discuss the issues and challenges businesses face in successfully
d) Assess the marketplace in terms of the consumer, competitors, trends and organisational objectives.
f) Evaluate brand and product performance through the application of relevant key performance indicators and other metrics.

Section 1
The Brand Report Card Report by Kevin Lane Keller.

Section 2
Using the information in the Brand Report Card by Kevin Lane Keller and the theory you gained during this trimester please select a brand from the list and answer the following 10 questions.

Brand Selection

  • Qantas
  • McDonalds
  • Pepsi
  • Boost Juice
  • Myers


1. How does the brand excel at delivering the benefits customers truly desire?

2. How does the brand stay relevant?

3. How is the pricing strategy based on the consumers' perception of value?

4. Is the brand positioned properly?

5. Is the brand consistent with their marketing program?

6. Does the brand portfolio and hierarchy make sense?

7. Does the brand make use and co-ordinates a full repertoire of marketing activities to build brand equity?

8. Do you believe the brand understand what it means to the consumers eg "who am I?

9. Do you believe the company who owns the brand or the brand itself offers proper ongoing marketing programs to support the brand?

10. In your opinion do you see evidence that the brand monitor's its sources of brand equity?

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92019206

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