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Legalization of marijuana means that it not against the law or "unlawful" to use such drug. People cannot be arrested or charged if they are caught with marijuana. However, there are certain restrictions on who grows it or uses it, and for what purpose they use it. Just like other legal drugs, they can be taxed (Coning, 2016). Furthermore, Colorado and Washington have legalized marijuana for "recreational use." A few other states like California have legalized marijuana for medical purposes (FindLaw). However, the federal law does not allow or recognize this legalization because of the Controlled Substances Act or CSA which prohibits the use of marijuana (Anderson & Gardner, 2015, p. 456).
On the other hand, decriminalization of marijuana means that using such drug is a crime. However, people who are caught with small amounts of marijuana cannot be prosecuted or arrested (Coning, 2016). They do not face criminal charges. Instead, they face civil charges like paying fine as a penalty. But if people are caught with large amounts of marijuana, they may be subject to harsher punishments. Some states that have decriminalized marijuana are Oregon, California, New York, Alaska, and North Carolina (FindLaw). In the states where marijuana is decriminalized, the drug is not taxed.

Arguments that the web page provides in support of legalization of medical marijuana is that marijuana can help people live normal lives. The fact that medical use of marijuana is still not permitted in several states and people need urgent access to marijuana for medical treatment, they have to leave their hometowns and move to other states where marijuana is legal, just to get the treatments they need so that they can live healthy and ordinary lives. Furthermore, marijuana may also be useful and effective in treating tumors. Medical marijuana can also help people get rid of the severe physical pain. These are the reasons why marijuana should be legal in all fifty states for medical purposes (Medical Marijuana).

Arguments that were made in support of legalization of medical marijuana were quite reasonable and agreeable. Even though federal law does not recognize legalization of marijuana, but if marijuana can treat diseases and save people's lives and help those people live healthy and happy lives than there is no reason why the drug should not be legalized. However, it should only be legalized for medical purposes, and not for profits or businesses. People should not go through the hardships of leaving their homes and move to another state for treatments just because laws in their states have forbidden the medical use of marijuana. All in all, arguments made for medical use of the drug were pretty strong and convincing.

How would you agree or disagree with this statement?

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