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Learning Activity #1

Using the company you selected for the Week 1 Learning Activity, it is now time to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats you uncovered in Week 3 to determine what strategy is best suited based on the outcome of the IFE and EFE.

Discuss which generic business-level strategy is best suited to keep the company you selected competitive. Be sure to clearly define the business-level strategy you are recommending and correlate that definition to the appropriate strengths, weaknesses, threats or opportunities from the IFE and EFE to support your position. Offer supporting rationale for your explanation and be sure to reference your statements using proper APA formatting

Learning Activity #2

Select one of the strategy formulation analytic tools below, along with the data gathered from the IFE and EFE in the Week 3 Learning Activities to further narrow down the strategic direction for the selected company. The tools to select from are:

  • IE Matrix

Once you have completed the tool discuss the outcome in terms of what strategic direction the selected company should take and why. As always, offer supporting rationale for your explanation and be sure to reference your statement using proper APA formatting.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92375804
  • Price:- $10

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