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Leadership Assignment

1. Ethics is a topic that sparks a lot of debate amongst different groups of people; it is hard to keep everyone in an organization happy. Research one ethical issue that is prevalent in the workplace and decide, as a leader, how you would handle it. Use Exercise 7-3 "Organizational Ethics" to aid you in your answer.

2. You are having trouble communicating with one particular employee, but you know that this person has some excellent ideas to share with the company. What can you do to make this employee feel more comfortable opening up to you in two-way communication? Use topics from the Read and Attend sections as well as outside research to support your answer.

3. Manning and Curtis list the five most important values in the workplace: Honesty, Respect, Service, Excellence, and Integrity. Sometimes conflicts arise that cause a person to reconsider sticking to one or more of these values. Do you feel that it is acceptable for a leader to sacrifice his or her values for the better of the organization? Why or why not? Provide examples to support your argument.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92361275
  • Price:- $35

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