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Think about a specific issue on policy that you are interested in and /or that has impacted yo personallY. Use the assigned resources that are provided for this journal to gather information about the goals and proposals, in that issue area, of the three US political parties- the Democratic and Republican parties and a third party. For the journal write about the two ideas: Where do the three political parties (Republican, Democratic, and your choice of a third party) currently stand on this issue? Do they have national support. Explain your rationale.

Thinking about your own Political Ideology (Democrat) that we discussed in the introduction, which party's stance on the issue you selected is closest to your own? Which is the furthest from your ideals? Why

Special Note: I am a democrat.... The test stated that I was also a "Young Outsider" which expresses unfavorable opinions about both parties Sp please write somethin about the Democratic and young outsider.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92361197

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