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Joey offers to sell Melissa the latest version of a popular gaming system for only $25 cash, although in the store it generally costs over $200. The deal seems too good to be true, and Melissa assumes that the gaming system is stolen. If Melissa purchases the item, is she guilty of receiving stolen property? What if Joey tells Melissa that the gaming system "fell off the back of a truck"? Does that change Melissa's potential liability? Why or why not?

What if your girlfriend puts her furniture on her front lawn while she is having her carpets shampooed in the living room? The carpet is not dry by nightfall and she leaves the furniture outside overnight. That night a man pulls in front of her house and he and his friend put the furniture in their truck and leave. The furniture is found by the police and the men who took the furniture claim they thought it was abandoned. Was the furniture abandoned? Why/why not?

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  • Reference No.:- M92382421
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