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John is responsible of an significant unit of your Ministry. He has the leaning of taking unilateral decisions most of the time. Though, on occasion, he will not decide unless he has the accord and support of his entire team. No one of his members of the staff can comprehend on which basis he decides to act. consequently, the members of his team, who are often perplexed and demoralized, uttered their grievances and deep concern both to you and John.


(a) Being specified that you have just finished a module on "Human Resource Management " at the Institute of HRM, you are fully equipped and prepared to assist as well as advise John as a colleague. You are then requested to highlight on the very significance of human factor in your organization and the change from the customary Personnel Administration to Human Resource Management.


Your organizations propose to recruit two Administrative Officers with some five to seven years of practice.

(a) What would be the suitable process of staffing and which method of staffing, do you think, will be more effective and why?

(b) What are the factors you will take into deliberation before proceeding with the selection of the right candidates for this particular post?


(a) Make a distinction between Training and Development?

(b) Illustrate & express any four on the job training which are familiar to you.


How far can you give good reason for the role of HR in Modern Management?


(a) Describe the elements that might be considered for any job report exercise.

(b) What are the boundaries of these job descriptions?

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M9133777

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