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Jenkins, a delivery boy for Dennison Super Market, delivered two heavy packages of groceries to Sandra Randon's porch. As instructed by Dennison, Jenkins rang the bell to let Randon know the groceries had arrived. Sandra Randon came to the door and asked Jenkins if he would deliver the groceries into the kitchen because the bags were heavy. Jenkins did so, and as he was leaving he saw Randon struggling to move a cabinet in the living room. He offered to assist her, and in the process of moving the cabinet failed to see a small and very expensive antique table, which he smashed into with the cabinet and totally destroyed. Does Randon have a cause of action against Dennison Super Market for the value of the destroyed antique? Please explain.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92768753
  • Price:- $10

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