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It is an imperative that when formulating Operational plans the environments in which the business operates in are considered, identify the environments and the tools used to analyze the impact of environment each on planning -

There exist a number of techniques to scrutinize the effects of surroundings and PESTEL and SWOT analysis are one among the several. First of all, the SWOT paradigm can be coined as a means to underline the strengths (i.e. factors that help in achieving objectives), weaknesses (i.e. internal forces that obstruct the path of goal accomplishment), opportunities (i.e. external forces which are beneficial for the corporation) and lastly, threats (i.e. external factors that could have negative bearing on the firm) linked with the corporation (Hill and Westbrook, 1998). Going further, PESTEL which encompasses Political, Economic, Social, Technical, Environment and Legislative forces is regarded as a indispensable tool for understanding the environ, where the corporation operates along with the opportunities and risks related to it.


Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M9528976

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