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Investing and Financing Activities; Interim Report of Findings

Examine the statement of cash flows for the companies you selected in Week 1 for the most recent year. Address the following concerns:

  1. What are the two largest investing activities and financing activities for each firm?
  2. Compare and contrast the investing and financing activities of the two companies.
  3. Evaluate the investing and financing strategies of the two firms? Provide a rationale for your opinion as to the effectiveness of each of the strategies.


  1. Give a report that addresses the above questions.
  2. The report should also summarize your key findings for the two companies for Weeks 1 to 3 of the Final Project.

If needed I can attach parts 1 & 2.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92375474
  • Price:- $15

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