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Intro to Multicultural Studies - Analyzing the logic of an article.

Identifying & classifying disagreements - Worksheet

1. Analyze the article "Deadly force in Black and White" (Gabrielson, 2014) reading using the "Template for analyzing the logic of an article" worksheet (Paul & Elder, 2008). Complete as many of the "Template" questions as you can.

2. Based on your analysis of the logic of the Gabrielson (2014) article, identify three things in the Gabrielson reading with which you agree. For each point, write down what Gabrielson said and explain why you agree.

3. Now, identify three things from the Gabrielson (2104) reading with which you disagree. For each point, write down what Gabrielson (2014) said and explain why you disagree.

4. For each of your three points of disagreement, apply the "Hierarchy of disagreement" (Graham, 2008; Loudacris, 2008) model to classify the quality/ level of your disagreement (e.g., is it ad hominem? Is it responding to tone? Is it refutation?)

Attachment:- gabrielson 2014 deadly force in black and white.rar

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