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Information technology and management information systems allow organizations, regardless of size, to communicate, collaborate, share information, make data driven decisions, and monitor all aspects of performance. Imagine you have a friend who runs a small business and this person is interested in taking advantage of information technology and management information systems to take the business to the next level. Your friend has come to you to get some information to consider in the decision to pursue IT and MIS enhancements. Provide your thoughts on the topic. Make sure you:

• Discuss specific ways information technology can benefit as well as negatively impact the business with respect to hardware, software, and trained staff.

• Explain how a customer relationship management system can help businesses improve profitability.

• From your own experience or a business setting of which you are aware, provide an example of a situation that demonstrates the importance of information technology in the efficient delivery of a product or service.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92099419
  • Price:- $30

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