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Internally generated cycles lasting about 24 hours a day that regulate sleep and wake cycles, as well as hormone secretion, are called Select one: a. sleep disorders. b. circadian rhythms. c. REM periods. d. astral projections. John's psychology class took a test on Friday. On the following Friday, the class was asked to take the same test again. The professor was determining the _______ of the test. Select one: a. validity b. readability c. reliability d. comprehension When two activities are simultaneously attended to, consciousness is said to be Select one: What do most experts believe about hypnotic age regression? Select one: a. It is very useful in child abuse cases. b. It can help people clearly recall painful experiences from the past. c. It does not improve the recall of childhood events. d. It is only useful for recalling the details of non-traumatic experiences. a. repressed. b. transcendent. c. divided. d. additive.

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