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Intelligence and information sharing are an essential component within the Department of Homeland Security's Prevention Directorate. How do you know whether or not the intelligence community (IC) is successful? Can success be based on the number of potential terrorist attacks prevented through intelligence and information sharing?

There are many different criteria that can be used as metrics to assist in determining whether or not the IC is successful. Select 1 criterion, or develop your own mechanism that can be used as an evaluation tool to assess the success of the IC, and complete the following by writing 500 to 600 words in response to the following questions in APA format:

Describe the mechanism.

Explain how it can be or is used to evaluate the IC's role in homeland security (HLS).

Why is this important to the overall security of the nation?

Include a brief summary of why it is important to evaluate the IC as it relates to the nation's overall security.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92374067
  • Price:- $10

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