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INSTRUCTIONS: Edit the following paragraphs for consistent point of view only. Using the first sentence as the basis for the point of view, change the rest of the paragraph to maintain a consistent point of view. Do not edit for any other kinds of changes.

Breaking my leg was an unpleasant experience for me. Initially the pain, not from the broken bone, but from the strained muscles and ligaments, was excruciating for you. People felt an intense discomfort for two to two and one-half weeks. Simple, ordinary maneuvers suddenly became difficult for you. For example, people found making a simple sandwich a major undertaking and taking a shower a major task. You found driving was possible; however, your physician advised you not to drive. Into the fourth week, you felt an unbearable yet inaccessible itching occurring below the cast. This was maddening. Finally, when the sixth week arrived, I had your leg x-rayed and the cast removed. Still, you needed some rehabilitation because my leg would not be back to normal for about three more months.

INSTRUCTIONS: Edit the following paragraphs for consistent point of view only. Using the first sentence as the basis for the point of view, change the rest of the paragraph to maintain a consistent point of view. Do not edit for any other kinds of changes.

At amusement parks, people love dressing up in costumes to have their pictures taken. Costumes let you personify a different character momentarily. Women can outfit themselves in large frilly hats, old-fashioned skirts, and parasols, or you can appear in Native American dress. Men can don ten-gallon hats, cowboy shirts, and chaps, or I can try on Mexican sombreros and throw a poncho over my shoulders. The photo models can create a fantasy all our own. Some participants enter a photo session in groups, and we produce a running theme for the picture. We can select a certain culture, and all the members of our group choose clothing of that era and culture. At times, normally light, jovial personalities become serious, stiff-faced models. Other times, your serious models become lighthearted and carefree. No wonder we find these special photo shops fun.

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  • Reference No.:- M92396511
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