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Industrial Hygiene

1) What are the elements of the risk-assessment paradigm? How can these elements be applied in a workplace setting in which an emergency responder is addressing a large spill of trichloroethylene? Describe how risk assessment can be used in industrial hygiene practice.

2) In your own words, define risk. What are the four functions of risk? How can these four functions be used to make risk decisions? List the factors that affect risk perception in the workplace. How can an industrial hygienist determine how much risk is acceptable?

3) Define exposure assessment, and describe the seven steps involved in an exposure-assessment strategy. Apply each step to a scenario where you, as an industrial hygienist, are asked to describe a worker's exposure to cadmium during a brazing operation.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92023486

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