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Include at least 2 Peer review references Using APA format for all questions. Never cover page needed.

1. The at-will employment doctrine governs most hiring and firing among non-public sector health care facilities. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of this doctrine. How would you amend it, if at all? Discuss your opinions of unions within healthcare settings. References should contain a minimum of 2-3 peer-reviewed references.

2. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report "To Err is Human" compared the daily number of patients victim to medical errors as the equivalent of a jetliner crashing. This alarming comparison, help push the prevention of medical errors and the concept of quality to the forefront; while the number of malpractice lawsuits continues to rise.

In 250 words share your position on whether or not, a limit should be placed on malpractice awards? In addition, explain how, a medical malpractice suit serve as an opportunity to learn, grow and move forward in hopes of another occurrence. References should contain a minimum of 2-3 peer-reviewed references using APA format.

3. An experimental method is a research method. In a minimum of 250 words, provide a scenario and research question on experimental method used in research. What are some considerations you would need to take in designing the research as related to your hypothetical research question and experimental method? References should contain a minimum of 2-3 peer-reviewed references.

4. One of the quality measures reported by hospitals to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services which is published on the Hospital Compare website is statistics on "surgery patients who were given an antibiotic at the right time (within one hour of surgery) to help prevent infection."

Answer the following questions to reflect on your understanding of this quality measure. In a minimum of 250 words address the following:

Why is it clinically important for patients to receive antibiotics prior to surgery?

In regards to clinical documentation in the health record that would be reviewed to report on hospital performance of this quality measure, which portion of the record would provide the most accurate details to confirm the administration and time of administration of antibiotics prior to surgery?

If hospital a consistently scores low on this measure, what does this indicate?

If a hospital is scoring low on this quality measure, which clinical quality management process could be used to help the hospital understand why the performance is low, formulate a plan to improve its score, implement the plan, and evaluate results of this measure in the future?

Once your material is posted, be sure to review and comment on at least two of your peers postings. References should contain a minimum of 2-3 peer-reviewed references.

Source:, Hospital Compare. (n.d.). Measures and current data collection periods.

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  • Reference No.:- M92364222
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