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In this unit, you are going to reflect on the different sociological theories and concepts you have learned in this course and use critical thinking to evaluate those concepts and apply them to your work, home, and/or community life.

Draw from the readings, videos, lectures, discussions, and assignments to help you construct your reflection paper.

Reflect on how sociological theories and concepts affect your work, home, and/or community life and influence your future learning opportunities.

Discuss how you can apply at least three different sociological concepts or theories you learned from this course to your work, home, and/or community life.

You are welcome to apply more than three concepts or theories. Some examples of topics/concepts/theories that you can apply to your own life include, but are not limited to:

sociological imagination, sociological perspectives, elements of culture, breaking norms, deviance, role of socialization, agents of socialization, theories of self, social structure, roles/status, groups, inequality, social class, gender roles, perspectives of aging, life chances, race/ethnicity, social institutions' (i.e., family, religion, education) role in society, social change, the environment, and population dynamics.

For this assignment, ensure you follow the requirements below:

1. Apply at least three different sociological concepts or theories.

2. Use specific sociological terms and concepts from the textbook reading in your paper to demonstrate you understand and can apply the concepts.

3. It is required that you cite the textbook at least three times in your Unit VIII Reflection Paper.

APA style in-text citations are required to show how the textbook was used in the paper.

You can use web or library sources in addition to the textbook for the paper.

An APA style reference list containing the textbook and any other sources you cited in the assignment is also required.

The following tutorial from CSU's Writing Center on in-text citations is a great helpful resource.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92507549
  • Price:- $30

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