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In this module, we discussed cyberbullying and the devastating effects that it can have on those targeted, their families, and communities as a whole. For this discussion post, I want each of you to do the following:

1) Find and select a real-life example of cyberbullying;

2) Provide a five to six sentence synopsis of the background and other details of the case;

3) List and discuss a minimum of two possible ways that this could have been stopped at either the parental, school, or law enforcement-levels. In your two minimum replies to fellow classmates, be sure to state whether you agree/disagree with their potential solutions and why. Also, feel free to challenge them on their positions, just be respectful about it.

Please include a minimum of one citation per major point from some outside sources to support your position, for a total of two minimum citations.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92374558
  • Price:- $20

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