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In the United States, blood glucose concentration is expressed in mg/dL. However, the international standard is to report blood glucose in mmol/L. You are checking your patient's blood glucose level and your finger-stick glucose meter (glucometer) is stuck on the mmol/L setting. It displays a value of 3.4 mmol/L. Is this value within the typical range for blood glucose?

1. Convert 3.4 mmol/L to mol/L.

2. What is the molecular weight of glucose? Complete the following table. Round atomic mass to the nearest whole number. Fill in the blank spaces with answer.

Element       Symbol            Atomic Mass(amu)    x  # of atoms in a glucose molecule = Total Mass (amu)

Blank                C                        Blank                   x                       6                             =      Blank

Hydrogen      Blank                     Blank                   x                      12                            =      12

Blank             Blank                        16                     x                    Blank                         =      Blank

3. What is the mass of one mole of glucose?

4. How many milligrams are in one gram?

5. How many deciliters are in one liter?

6. What is the patient's blood glucose concentration in mg/dL?

7. What is the typical range for glucose in the blood (in mg/dL)?

8. Is the patient's blood glucose reading within the typical range?

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M92751450
  • Price:- $20

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