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In the nursing profession, there are different types of caregivers that exist. They range from assistive personnel that are unlicensed to the licensed practical nurses as well as registered nurses (Buppert 200). Each of these professions has its defined boundaries in how they can legally operate as stipulated by the various nursing boards in respective countries or states. The scope of practice is a term commonly used in the nursing circles to imply the actions, procedures, and other related issues that are allowed by law to be carried out by a certain profession. It is usually an outline to the specifics that are permitted by law basing on the experiences of individuals as well as their academic qualifications (Schroeder 595).

It is important to not only know one's scope of practice but also that of others that constitute the nursing team. Presented with the task of determining whether the new procedure that physicians want nurses to adopt at the hospital falls within their scope of practice, I will use the following guidelines:

1. Defining the issue so as to clarify what the activity or task entails. I would then require additional information on the facility procedures and laws. Next, I will conduct a self-assessment to establish my suitability for the task according to my skills and abilities.

2. The second step will be reviewing the laws, rules and standards that are stipulated by the law. This will be done to ensure that nurses do not work outside their scope of practice under the new procedures (Nursing Administration: Scope and Standards of Practice 66).

3. Lastly, a decision has to be made and based on the above considerations; I will make the recommendations. However, as a precautionary measure, the physician has to give a written order requiring the process to be undertaken.

The procedure will then be communicated to all the other nursing staff and physicians for them to familiarize and implement.


Buppert, Carolyn. Nurse Practitioner's Business Practice and Legal Guide. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012. Print.

Nursing Administration: Scope and Standards of Practice. Silver Spring, Md: American Nurses Association, 2009. Print.

Schroeder, Patricia S. Approaches to Nursing Standards. Gaithersburg, Md: Aspen Publishers, 1991. Print.

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