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In a reflective essay of 3-5 pages, and using the Christiano text, Lesson 5 and online readings, your MTB exercise, and any other credible and authoritative sources you might choose, please address the following multi-part question in depth:

After reading about globalization, the megachurch trend, the role of media in religion, and new religious movements (all of which you should have read about), which of these do you see as most influential in shaping the future of religion in America? Are there additional factors that should also be taken into account? How do these insights relate to at least one of the groups in your MTB report?

Topic:More Americans Have No Religious Preference

Key Finding from the 2012 General Social Survey
Michael Hout, University of California, Berkeley
Claude S. Fischer, University of California, Berkeley
Mark A. Chaves, Duke University

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92031703
  • Price:- $50

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