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Imagine that you are forming a small professional group to discuss how the statistics and research of a human services organization can be improved.

You would also need to present the group with some tips and tools on positive communication techniques to enhance the success of the group's communication.

In this assignment, you will create a code of conduct or a set of guidelines regarding how a group should interact during meetings. You will also analyze the issues that might arise when people meet in a group and explain how these issues can be addressed by making preventative efforts.


Create a 2-page paper by responding to the following points:

• Describe the way in which you will set up a small professional group. Create a code of conduct or a set of guidelines regarding how the group should interact in both face-to-face communication and technology-mediated meetings.

• Provide at least 6-10 positive communication techniques that would enable the group to address communication issues, if they occur, during the meeting.

• Review the group development stages (forming, storming, norming, and performing) and analyze the stage in which your group currently is; describe the specific technique to be used based on the stage in which the group is.

Note: Your paper should rely upon at least 2 sources from additional professional literature; the sources must be cited in APA format. The literature may include relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov).

Writing assignment 2 along with references too!

label various components of group dynamics and individual behaviors. You can expect to observe and describe the group's norms, sometimes called unwritten rules of the group, which are formed quickly during the meeting. You need to observe the group and label various components of the decision-making process and problem-solving strategies being used by the group.

You will be able to identify how you would intervene, as a facilitator, to either keep the group on track or provide positive feedback to the group when the group is working well. The most important observation you will make is whether the group is functioning in a manner that is helping or hurting its effort to attain its goals.


• Form a group with a minimum of four people to observe the completion of a task together (i.e., staff meeting). The group's purpose is to provide clinical staffing for a client at a human services agency.

• Create a 5-page paper critiquing the group's functioning regarding its processes and dynamics by addressing the following:

o Describe the group's agenda, norms, decision-making process, problem-solving strategies, and members' roles.

o Critique the group's functioning. Explain whether it is an effective group and how its functioning promotes or interferes with achieving its goals.

o Determine how you would intervene as a facilitator.

o Support all your answers with research and utilize 3-4 scholarly sources that are cited in APA format.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92372065
  • Price:- $55

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