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Imagine that a founding father of your choice has been brought to the future and you have been given the opportunity to talk with him about our federalist representative form of government. He is interested in learning about the current state of our federalist representative form of government.

- Explain the roles of the various branches of government, their administrative functions, and their structural and political characteristics.

- Provide at least two examples for both exclusive federal powers and exclusive state powers.

- Describe the role courts play in determining the nature of federal-state relations.

- Discuss the recommendations you have to improve or maximize the efficiencies of the federalist representative form of government.

- As you converse with this founding father, he should give his opinion on the current state of the federalist representative form of government and what surprises him about how it has evolved over time.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M91722566
  • Price:- $10

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