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Imagine if you were the environmental manager responsible for assessing the value of the Neponset River Watershed. The area of the Neponset River Watershed is 300 km2, and 330,000 people live in the Neponset River Watershed. The Neponset River Watershed includes 14 communities, and the river itself meanders some 47 km from Foxborough to UMassBoston.

a.) Describe five (3) ecosystem goods and (3) ecosystem services that the Neponset River Watershed provides.

b.) Assign a dollar ($) value to (1) ecosystem services of the Neponset River Watershed. Please be clear about how you assessed this economic value [for example, if clean air is worth $1 per person per day, the total ecosystem service is worth $1 x 365 days x 900,000 people= $328 million per year (but you cannot use clean air since I gave you this example)].

c.) Describe how would you assess (measure) the "health" of the Neponset River Watershed? In other words, what data/evidence would you present to the public to support statements that the ecosystem was "healthy" or "not healthy".

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92102083
  • Price:- $15

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