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Identify and research a current example of unethical corporate behavior in the realm of Information Technology Management.

Write a paper of approximately three to four pages (double-spaced, single sided) that discusses the following points:

Analyze and explain the conditions that precipitated the behavior.

Were there intellectual property issues as well as liability issues resulting from shared knowledge?

Propose specific steps that could have been taken from an IS perspective to have prevented this incident. Identify any specific ethical considerations which you think are especially important for leadership to take into account when managing knowledge and explain why these factors are so crucial?

How do you believe that the management of such issues will change in the next 5 years? Use industry research to support your claims.

Review the Rubric to make sure that you have met all the guidelines for how your paper will be assessed.

Include a minimum of three scholarly resource in addition to your textbook to support your analysis.

Format your paper according to the West Writing Style Handbook guidelines.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92380201

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