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Carry on according to the given instructions.

1) Identify a moral dilemma or ethically problemable situation relating to ICT in your workplace, in a preceding workplace or in

a business atmosphere you are well-known with.
a) To maintain confidentiality, don’t use real names.
b) If you don't work and have never worked before, recognize an ICT-related issue which has been increased in the contemporary media article, in which case you should comprise a copy of the media article as part of your assignment.

2) Undertake further research regarding your chosen topic to help out you in analyzing and discussing it in your essay.

3) Conduct two separate analyses of the situation/case, as describeed below. The word limit for the combined analysis is 1,300 words ± 10%. Headings, citations and references don’t count towards the word limit, however quotations do.

a) Analyze the situation by using the Doing Ethics Technique (DET), addressing each of the DET problems; and
b) Analyze the condition from the point of view of an ICT professional, by using the ACS Code of Conduct, relating specific clauses from ACS code of Conduct to the ethical issues, as suitable.

4) prepare an on the whole conclusion which ties the outcomes of both analyses altogether and presents and justifies on the whole conclusions and recommendations.

5) Comprise a reference list at the end of your work, in the accurate APA referencing style, corresponding to in-text citations. You should comprise at least five (5) references from various sources.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M985

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