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I see the future of criminal justice improving in a positive manner. While change has been slow it has been occurring. We cannot deny that. We have to look at our past to see the progress. The use of technology is what is going to be monumental in the furthering of the progress. With technology like body cams, there will be no he said she said. We will be presented with undeniable proof. The footage versus if the footage is released is an entirely different story. For now we are most concerned with the truth being discovered. Yes, Police officers should be required to wear body cameras at all times. This not only helps the victim but helps them as well. If an officer is accused of police brutality the footage would help clear them. If no one has anything to hide all should be ok. More technology means more proof, more information, and more records. This is needed globally. Anything can go wrong anywhere, not just in America. When it comes to police brutality and criminals being caught privacy should come second (in my opinion). The technology that is being created will help reduce crime and serve as deterrents. Data collected will be more accurate and investigative tools will be more accurate as well reducing the amount of people wrongly convicted.

How would you agree or disagree with this statement?

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  • Reference No.:- M92374602
  • Price:- $10

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