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Assignment: “Human resource strategies can be stimulating to produce and satisfying to display, but how can we make sure that they are implemented?” Torrington et al, p73

Identify a company that has been criticized in regards to their management of Human Resources and critically assess the short coming of their approach and its impact of organizational performance. Critically evaluate how they could integrate a more Strategic approach to their Human Resources Management and how they would benefit from the proposed recommendations.


1) Thorough literature review must be seen undertaken the support the stand taken by the student.

2) Discussion and debate on the how importance of adapting the right Strategic approach to managing Human Resources in consideration of the companies organizational strategy and in-light of the external environment.

3) Harvard style of references should be used.

Please ensure that your assignment has:

• A table of contents
• A list of figures and/ or list of tables where appropriate
• Introduction (500 words).
• Literature Review (1000 words).
• Critical Analysis (2000 words).
• Conclusions/Recommendations- 500 words.
• References/Presentation.
• Bibliography.
• Appendices if appropriate.

Module Learning Outcome:

Upon successful completion of the assignment, students will be able to:

• Critically evaluate the key concepts and models of HRM and strategy.
• Synthesize the inter-relationship between the key areas of organizational strategy and HRM.
• Evaluate the significance of the wider environmental context in formulating HRM strategy.

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M9183
  • Price:- $140

Guranteed 48 Hours Delivery, In Price:- $140

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