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Hogan's (2005) article In Defense of Personality Measurement: New Wine for Old Whiners from the journal Human Performance.

Walter Mischel's (1977) American Psychologist article On the Future of Personality Measurement,


Having read the articles by Mischel (1977) and Hogan (2005), take a stand on the issue of whether personality is a valid predictor of job performance.

First, outline Walter Mischel's points. Explain his arguments for caution in using personality measurement to make inferences. Next, explain what Hogan wrote in defense of personality measurement. Finally, take your own stand on the issue, explaining your opinion. Bring in some real-life examples as applicable, and use other sources as you see fit.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M91722386
  • Price:- $40

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