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Healthcare Statistics Assessment

Answer all five questions. All answers are to be contained in one excel file.

Q1. In October, Peace & Prosperity Hospital reported 735 discharge days for adults and children and 103 discharge days for newborns. During the month, 149 adults and children and 31 newborns were discharged.

a) Calculate (round to one decimal place) the average length of stay (ALOS) for adults and children for the month of October.

b) Calculate (round to one decimal place) the average length of stay (ALOS) for newborns for the month of October.

c) Would you expect more variance in length of stay for the adult and children population or the newborn population. Explain why.

Q2. Using the information in the tabel below, calculate (round to two decimal places) the postoperative dath rate for each cardiac surgeon at Peace & Prosperity Hospital between January and March.

Comment on the findings.

Peace & Prosperity Hospital

January - March 20XX

Number of Surgery Patgients and Deaths, by Cardiac Surgeon

Physician #

Number of Surgery Patients

Number of Deaths within 30 Days Post-Operatively

Post-Operative Death Rate










Q3. Based on the information below, calculate (round to two decimal places) the annual postoperative surgical site infection rate for Peace & Prosperity Hospital.

Comment on this rate. Cite a published benchmark to compare your findings to.

Number of Surgical Operations


Number of Patients Operated On


Number of Post-Operative Surgical Site Infections


Number of Post-Operative Deaths


Q4. a) It costs $0.75 to scan 1 page into the Electronic Health Record. On average, 29,353 scans are made per month. How much is spent on scanning these documents per year?

b) The full-time clerk makes $10.50 per hour. Benefits account for 35% of wages. What is her annual pay?

Q5. Please provide answers to the following multiple choice questions next to the question.

1) Medical diagnosis is what type of variable:

a) numerical

b) categorical

c) ordinal

2) White blood cell count is what type of variable:

a) numerical

b) categorical

3) True or False: Data shown in a histogram represents frequencies.

a) True

b) False

Use the following information to calculate percents for letters a & b in the table below. Round to one decimal place.

Table1. Patient Characteristics

All Patients (n = 173)

All Patients (%)

History of Stroke


a) calculate % history of stroke for all patients

History of Type 2 Diabetes


b) calculate % history of type 2 diabetes for all patients

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  • Reference No.:- M92368656
  • Price:- $30

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