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Health Promotion Planning & Evaluation

Using your classmate's discussion of a health issue, create a program rationale using Figure(attached) from the textbook as the basis. Your rationale should include the title, description of the health concern and its effects on the specified priority population (including supporting data from at least one scholarly source), a brief description of the proposed program, and a justification for why the program would be effective.

Use a minimum of one scholarly source for each response, formatted according to APA style as outlined by the Ashford Writing Center. Kriztina Discussion A pressing public health issue I would have to say would be obesity.

As the term of a healthy life style is becoming to surface more, it is still an issue we see, especially in young children. As stated by the CDC, from 2011-2014; "The prevalence of obesity was higher among Hispanics (21.9%) and non-Hispanic blacks (19.5%) than among non-Hispanic whites (14.7%)."

The number one thing that needs to be addressed is our food industry! With all the fake ingredients/ chemicals that are in our food not only is causing obesity, but is affecting others with diseases that are killing individuals, such as different cancers.

Ways in which to reduce the risk of obesity is obtaining yearly health checkups and implementing a dietary plan to fit everyone needs. I believe nutrition is a critical key to our health.

This would work because without the correct nutrients our bodies cant suffice the way in which we want to look.

Text:McKenzie, J. F., Neiger, B. L., & Thackeray, R. (2012). Planning, implementing, & evaluating health promotion programs: A primer (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings.

Attachment:- Creating a Rationale.rar

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