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Health Care Organization and Policy

If anyone can help me in answering the essay response question, I will be eternally grateful. I've spent hours researching the ACA but the sheer volume of information is overwhelming and I don't know how to start. The information i've found is also conflicting, with some sources saying that the ACA is a beneficial health policy and others saying it is not. I am asked by my professor to stay neutral and only present the facts. Please help, this is my final essay for the class! (I bolded the prompt below)

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is the single biggest piece of health care legislation since the creation of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. The three goals of the ACA are to cover the uninsured, reduce the growth of health care spending and improve the efficiency of the health care delivery system. This question asks you to consider the coverage provisions of the ACA.

Briefly summarize the core mechanisms used to expand health insurance coverage under the ACA. Choose one mechanism that has generated political push-back and describe the current status of where things stand. Finally, describe the populations that remain uninsured 6 years after the passage of the ACA.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92032857
  • Price:- $30

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