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Groups need to choose a product from an Omani Company (the Client) they are familiar with before proceeding with this project. If you are unsure please discuss with your instructor.

The management of (the Client) want to grow their product in the international business market. Your group has been assigned to find the best method for them to sell their product (choose only one product) to international markets. They would like your group to develop and present recommendations with a report and Powerpoint presentation in Week 15. In your assigned groups you are to investigate the problems, challenges and requirements as presented by the Client. As per requirements of your Client analyze and research information to help your Client achieve their goals.

Remember this is a sales pitch. Treat it as if you want their business.

Part A - Report

1. Choose one international market to enter. E.g. China, Thailand etc.

2. Conduct a SWOT analysis on the Client.

3. Conduct a PEST Analysis on the international market you have chosen to enter. Identify market conditions, barriers and trends for your client, present in a table format.

4. What educational opportunities are there for your client to increase sales in your chosen international market? How could they increase sales and customers? Use a graph to present.

5. What mode of entry should your "Client" use to enter your chosen international market? Why have you chosen this method? Explain advantages and disadvantages.

6. Using a table format develop an international marketing schedule to implement your recommendations. Include what should be done, by whom, by when, resources needed (time, cost, people).

7. How could you ensure that the international marketing implementation is kept on time and on budget?

Part B - Presentation

- Use visual displays and create a WOW effect.

Use the format provided for headings in your report (1500 words) and Powerpoint presentation (Approximately 3 minutes per slide).

- Executive Summary
- Findings
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Recommendations
- Implementation
- References/Appendices

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92038848
  • Price:- $50

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