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For this assignment, do a paper about a hazardous materials incident or an environmental health and safety (EHS) project that involves a material(s) with a hazard(s) that falls under the hazard classification that we have studied so far (water/air reactive, corrosive, or toxic). The incident or project could be one that you have researched or been involved with. Your essay must include the following:

  • summary of the project or incident,
  • identification of the hazardous material(s) involved and hazardous classification,
  • discussion of chemical properties and interactions relevant to the incident/project,
  • any short or long-term mitigation implemented, and
  • conclusion (your professional opinion on the project/incident).

Your response must be at least 400 in length.

You are required to use at least two references, including your textbook for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced. Paraphrased and/or quoted materials must have accompanying citations in APA format

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92364969
  • Price:- $20

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