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For this 2-3page paper I would like for you to find a local criminal in Florida who has been featured on the news or in a police report. Try to find out as much as you can about this person and the crime they committed. Once you have done this think about what theory of crime you think best explains this person's behavior (control theory, social disorganization theory, deterrence, rational, etc) Try to pick the theory based on evidence, that is if you firmly believe that psychoanalytic theories are the best explanation for crime but you have no evidence that the person you chose has had emotional disturbances in life, then you must pick a different person or theory. Otherwise, all your points will be conjecture.

Using your theory link and discuss how it can possibly explain this person's behavior. What parts of the theory are relevant to the person? Also, you will be required to use at least one scholarly peer reviewed journal article from the approved list of journals I will provide (if you want to use an article from another journal you need my approval). You must use APA citations and reference this article proper in your works cited. Make sure you demonstrate to me that you read this article and use that learned information to bolster how the theory may connect to your person.

This is a persuasive papers, so please avoid trying to curtail the imperfections of the theory or fit. No theory perfectly explains all behavior, so just make your argument for why you think there is some fit at all.

Below is an outline for what I expect.

12 point Times New Roman
Double Space (with not added spaced between paragraphs)
1-inch margins
1 scholarly peer reviewed journal article
1 news paper clipping/police report

Writing Requirements
Brief description of person and crime
One criminological theory discussed in this course
Brief overview of chosen theory
Explanation of how theory applies to person of interest

Supporting evidence that shows chosen theory is a good fit for this type of person/case

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92383667
  • Price:- $10

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