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For Module III we will have three required discussion posts:

a) From the facts on Maternal Health discussed in the Module III notes, identify ONE and write a short paragraph about it giving a specific country/ies example to illustrate the fact. I am not looking for terms like 'globally', rather I want you to say in Zimbabwe .......whereas in Australia ......... .. Much will depend on the 'fact' you choose to work on, so pick wisely. 250-300 words limit.

b) Identify one issue on maternal health and share your experience with that issue. Here I am looking for personal experiences. We are a diverse group, some are from urban settings others from rural, some are rich yet others are not so rich, some are from developed countries while others are from LICs - so please share those rich stories whether from your work as a nurse, your experience as a mother, father, brother or from growing up in a rural setting. No word limit.

c) Finally comment/respond to one posting. You are welcome to respond to as many as you find interesting! No word limit.

Attachment:- Module iii.rar

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  • Reference No.:- M91419177
  • Price:- $40

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