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Final Project



1.include efficiency, effectiveness, economic criteria, and ethics.

2. Use several credible source

3. Use A few books, some written by advocates and a news source.

4. Use graphics.

Assignment Instructions

Identify another, different policy issue that impacts or interests you. This policy issue can be at the local or state level, but that you have not already submitted.

Research the policy context, implementation, effectiveness, and evaluate it using the criteria laid out in your lesson (and practiced in the writing assignments). Analyze the policy, then draw conclusions and make recommendations about the policy's future and effectiveness.

Present your findings uploading an entertaining PowerPoint briefing (minimum 10 slides with images on each slide).
Instead of writing a paper and putting the paragraphs on each slide, use bullet points for the major points and include ONE of the following:

• detailed speaker's notes

• a transcript of what you would say if you gave the presentation

• audio of you giving the presentation.

Remember that this is a major research component of your course and worth 20% of your final grade. Your bibliography of sources (a minimum of 7) should be the final slide(s) of the presentation.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92785412
  • Price:- $70

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