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Familism and a Changing Society

Our text defines familism as the "pride and closeness in the family, which results in family obligations and loyalty coming before individual needs" (Schaefer, 2015, p 188). Family is the primary source of social interaction, more important than friends and work. It also involves social involvement and caregiving of the elderly and financial dependence of kin. It is a characteristic of much of the Latino community as described on pages 188-189 of your text.

While familism is often viewed as a positive thing, it can have a negative influence on Mexican Americans and the entire Latino community.

After reviewing pages 188-189 of your text and the NPR interview on post familism below, respond to the following points in your initial post this week:

Many regard the family as a real strength in the Latino community, but is this always the case? What are the positive and negative aspects of familism?

Research the web for information on familism. Does familism promote psychological well-being? Do men or women benefit more from familism?

Around the world, it appears familism is coming to an end. What are the economic, political and cultural implications of the changes underway in the traditional family unit?

What are your experiences with family? Are you familiar with the concept of familism? How do you personally feel about extended family and how it affects family life and career?

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  • Reference No.:- M92413032
  • Price:- $10

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