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Explores online distribution. First, check out the following news articles on Amazon's online grocery service.

1. Your next meal may come compliments of Amazon By Jane Wells, CNBC reporter
[Published 10:09 AM ET Fri, 26 July 2013]

2. A new threat for big grocery: AmazonFresh Amazon's delivery service is growing

[Sep 26, 2013 Joe Castaldo]

Then, answer the following questions:

What do you think of Amazon's move to online grocery delivery? Does it give the company a competitive advantage?

Identify one of your favorite grocery stores. What attracts you to it?

Can you think of anything the store has done to draw your patronage and stop you from buying online?

Is there anything further they could do to retain your loyalty?

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M92555052
  • Price:- $60

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