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Exploration of Humanities - Introduction to Humanities

Write an analysis suggested length of 3 pages of one work of literature that I had to pick one from the provided list. I have selected the short story Kate Chopin, "The story of an Hour" 1894.

1. Frist one paragraph or half page, I have to describe my initial thoughts and / or feelings about the work and also describe in detail at least one aspect of the work that most interests me. What drew me to the work? What do I intriguing or interesting? Describe in detail one aspect of the work that I find notable.

2. Analyze the work (Suggested length of 2 pages) by dong the following

  • 1. Describe the historical context of the period in which the work was written.
  • 2. Discuss insights into the work that can be gained from the authors biography.
  • 3. Analyze how this work explores a particular theme and or stylistic characteristic from its period
  • 4. Explain the relevance of this work for today's audience

3. Discuss how the deeper knowledge I have gained through my analysis has informed or altered your thoughts and or feeling about the work (suggested length of one paragraph or half a page)

4. Sources support.

Historical Context of the period is Realism - Individualism and Freedom, women's search for selfhood. Individualism - involves the right of the individual to freedom and self-realization, emphasize the moral worth of the individualism.

This was a very interesting story because she shows her sadness emotions when she received the sad message about her husband's death. She seems terrified of inability to accept this significant event but the same time She is looking forward to the day of her freedom that her husband won't be coming home again. This short story drew my attention immediately, because this story focuses on individualism and freedom. Women are visions as lower than a man and stay home while man goes to work. This is exactly the trend that you see in Japanese culture where women have a limited freedom vs individualism. I felt as her marriage was unhappy and reflecting her searching for identity in male dominant world.

It is very difficult to assume what kind of marriage she was in but I feel from this story as that marriage is not happy as it appears to be.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92365024
  • Price:- $20

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