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a) Assess the multiple factors which could lead people to engage in deviance and crime. b) Enumerate and describe some effective measures to control and discourage destructive behaviour


Deviance is historically and culturally relative. Explain and Discuss


a) Assess the view that crime is an activity mostly undertaken by males

b) Evaluate the feminist explanations of why women are victims of crime


a) According to Merton, how might an individual deal with the strain created by a failure to achieve the goal of success through legitimate means

b) Describe and analyse three ways one can adapt to this strain


(a) Explain the following concepts-

(i) welfare state

(ii) social justice

(b) Compare and contrast socialist with liberal notions of social justice

(c) Explain the need for collective social welfare provision in order to achieve ‘social justice


(a) Explain the main tenets of the social democratic welfare regime

(b) Critically examine the strengths and weaknesses of the social democratic regime in terms of achieving redistributive justice


(a) What is globalisation?

(b) Explain the main factors that have enabled the emergence of globalization

(c) Critically analyse the statement that ‘globalisation is accompanied by a retrenchment of the welfare state


Outline and assess the role of NGOs in social welfare provision

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M9133592

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