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describe the Four P’s in marketing mix - Using a company of your choice; describe how this company is using the Four P’s to gain successful position in the market.

Your essay must meet the following expectations:

Answer the problem set and keep to the topic.

a) Demonstrate the understanding of related marketing principles, concepts and theories;

b) Ability to provide insightful analysis of issues involved;

c) Ability to organise material with supporting evidence;

d) Knowledge of present issues relating to your assignment problem, evidence of thorough research.

Consult as many writings on the topic as you can.  Comprehend and synthesise the ideas expressed and then attempt to present them in your own words.  Eventually, you must be able to analyse and criticise other work and cogently argue your own point of view.  You must always support your arguments and opinions with extensive referencing.

Include an introduction in your opening paragraph and a conclusion in the final one.

Attach a bibliography of the books and journal articles used in the assignment

Maximum 1,500 word limit
Font size:         12
Spacing:          1.5-spaced

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M9657

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