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Team Leader:     Base    

Physician:    Base    



Marathoner:               Base    

Team Leader: Up      Down      Rest

Physician:     Up      Down      Rest

Environmentalist:Up      Down      Rest

Photographer:Up      Down      Rest

Marathoner:   Up      Down      Rest

How much time was spent analysing and discussing before making decisions? Record in minutes

Record any health issues or medical supplies administered. How did they affect your decision-making?

Record any weather predications or issues. How did they affect your decision-making?

Record any discussion about goals. How didthey affect your decision-making?

Record any challenges faced by the team. How did you approach and/or solve these challenges?

Attachment:- Everest Simulation.rar

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M92759747
  • Price:- $55

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