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The overall assignment task is to design and prototype an interface for both the user and retailer, that requires a smart phone app for the user for scanning at the till and presenting receipt information and a web interface for viewing a user accounts.  From the retailers perspective you are required to design and prototype a web interface for viewing sales receipts.

Individual Submission
a) The first piece of work requires you to design and prototype the smartphone app.  There is a chapter (7) included from Suzanne Ginsburg’s book “Designing the iPhone User Experience” for background reading to get you started.  You will not only need to consider design issues for a hand held device but also the needs of your user. There are a number of design packages available in the laboratory “Pencil” and “Axure Pro6”.  Other packages include “Fluid” and “OminGraffle”. You can use simpler approaches such as paper-based. You can design for an Android or iPhone.
You will need to produce a group report 2500 words, you can make use of appendices to display your diagrams or any supplementary work which includes the following activities:

1. You need to evaluate the design prototypes developed by each group member using appropriate criteria.  You will need to identify what the criteria for evaluation will be at the start and decide which of your designs will be developed further into a prototype interface.  You will need to discuss any refinements and proposed changes in your report.

2. You need to design a prototype web interface for accessing and presenting receipt information and for viewing a user’s account online.  You will need to produce prototype designs for both smart phone and tablet.  For your report you will be required to discuss your potential users and develop personas, you including, motivations, needs and scenarios.  You will need to integrate these with the screen designs, describing your user’s interactions and tasks.  You will need to consider the ordering of your screen designs.

3. From the retailers perspective you are required to design and prototype a web interface for viewing sales receipts.  You will be required to discuss your potential users and develop personas, you including, motivations, needs and scenarios.  You will need to integrate these with the screen designs, describing your user’s interactions and tasks.  You will need to consider the ordering of your screen designs.

Assessment criteria:

For a pass you should evidence completion of all three tasks, and give reasonable descriptions and discussions

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M9336

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