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Ethics and the "War on Terrorism"

Many commentators label the current "War on Terrorism" as a state of perpetual war. Many issues become apparent when a nation adopts a permanent war setting.

Chapter 8 in your text explores many of the ethical issues associated with the War on Terrorism, and the video Treat Terrorists Like Enemy Combatants, Not Criminals: A Debate (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.debates the best methods to handle accused terrorists (Makio, 2010).

In this discussion:

1. Discuss the morality and expectations for the criminal justice system to be engaged in such a "war."

2. How does this status of preparedness and aggressive interdiction affect the creation, design, and implementation of morality policies in the criminal justice field?

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  • Reference No.:- M92365686
  • Price:- $15

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