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Establishment of training objectives:

The personnel manager formulates the following objectives keeping the company's overall objectives in the mind:

1. To prepare the employee both new and old to meet the present as well as the changing requirements of the job and the organization.

2. To prepare obsolescence.

3. To impart the new entrants the basic knowledge and skill they need for an exposing them to the latest concepts, information and techniques and developing the skills they will need in their particular fields.

4. To build up a second line of competent officers and prepare them to occupy more responsible particular fields.

5. To build up a second line of component more effectively in their present positions by exposing them to the latest concepts, information and techniques and developing the skills they will need in their particular fields.

6. To broaden the minds of senior managers by providing them with opportunities for an interchange of experiences within and outside with a view to correcting the narrowness of the outlook that may be arise from over specialization.

7. To develop the potentialities of people for the next level job.

8. To ensure smooth and efficient working of a department.

9. To ensure economical output of the required quality.

10. To promote individual and collective morale, a sense of responsibility, co - operative attitudes and good relationships.

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M9564444

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