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Essay Questions

Pick two topics from the four listed below and write a three-page, double-spaced paper on each. You are encouraged to think creatively while drawing on the material we've studied and discussed over the course of the semester. Your essay is due by noon Sunday, July 16th. Note: You can assume I am familiar with the details of what happened in regard to the issue(s) each question is built around; as such, there is no need to summarize the events involved.

Topic 1

Consider Goldman Sachs' demand for a dollar for dollar match on the credit default swaps it purchased from AIG. Discuss whether Goldman's demand meant it was thinking of the financial situation created by the subprime meltdown as a cooperative or competitive game. Are there any "facts of the matter" that you can appeal to in order to suggest how Goldman should have handled the situation? (Think of the "Road Construction" driving game: which lane did Goldman decide to drive in and was their decision rational, ethical, both, or neither?)

Topic 2

Consider popular attitudes associated with Wall Street and the Silicon Valley. Why is one demonized and the other celebrated? Are they really that different? Using Chaos Monkeys and Griftopia, discuss.

Topic 3

Consider the issue of professionalism in the context of Chaos Monkeys and those working for Goldman Sachs selling CDOs, stocks for Internet IPOs, or commodities in the futures market. Do you believe a culture of professionalism existed in either situation? Why or why not? Do you think Mr. Martinez had a unified moral self?

Topic 4

Is there a connection between financialization and technology? Do either play a role in the culture of Silicon Valley or in the actions of Goldman Sachs in Griftopia? Discuss.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92368359

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