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Essay Assignment

This first draft assignment is the second step in the process for writing your Benchmark - Ethical Issues in Business: Final Report and Analysis assignment.

For this assignment, refer to the "Ethical Issues in Business: Preliminary Research Table" you completed earlier in the course. Using the research sources in the table to support your positions, Write a background summary report of 1,000 to 1,500 words on the selected business and the ethical crisis the company has faced. Address the following in your report:

1. Company Background: Summarize relevant information regarding the business and its history.

2. Crisis Details: Summarize the ethical crisis details. What stakeholders were involved? What actions did they take? What were the results of those actions?

3. Ethical Issues and the Law: Explain the ethical issues surrounding the crisis. Did the company act within the basic tenants of the law? Include any related legal issues.

Attachment:- Ethical Issues in Business.rar

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92365876

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