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Each answer should be at least 150 words long and in APA format. These answers should be primarily in your own words and all sources (including the required course text) drawn from must be clearly referenced and cited, per APA requirements.


Based on the required reading from the text and any other scholarly sources you choose to use, please outline and describe a macroeconomic approach a country could use that would maximize the aggregate demand the rest of the world's nations have for the goods and services it produces.


A) The Trump administration has hired you to present a specific strategy for keeping America's inflation and unemployment rates low. Please share it here.

B) After presenting the strategy a concern is voiced that if either inflation or unemployment are too low they will cause the other to rise. Explain how this can happen and how you will prevent it.


A newly formed country wants to make sure the economy it is building will successfully generate jobs and steadily rising standards of living. Based on what you have learned in this course and from any other scholarly sources, list and explain the components of a successful economy.


Go to heritage and look through the 2017 Index of Economic Freedom, where 150+ countries are ranked according to their levels of economic freedom.

A) Pick a country in the top ten of the rankings and clearly explain the primary reasons for its ranking.

B) Pick a country in the bottom ten of the rankings and clearly explain the primary reasons for its ranking.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92375396
  • Price:- $20

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